There was an episode of the Red table talk with Jada Pinkett-Smith and Gabrielle Union that discussed the concept of sisterhood and relationships along with ownership and accountability. It was such a beautiful episode with so many take aways from this show. If you haven’t had a chance to watch it, click on the link below:

Here are my points of reflections that I’d like to share:

  1. What creates in us the inability to connect to other women?
  2. Why is it always everyone else’s fault but our own?
  3. How many of us have been comfortable with being the victim? It’s been our “Snuggie” . Even when we have been mistreated or done wrong, the responsibility of our healing is up to us, not the other person. (This here…..Deep sigh… another conversation in itself)
  4. How honest are we with ourselves about the role we have played in the demise of a relationship? Have we looked in the mirror and taken accountability? (And if our first thought was about what someone else has done….then we are already on the wrong track)

Michael Jackson said it best “I’m starting with the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways… and no message could have been any clearer…if you want to make the world a better place TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF and make a change. (I had to quote it… he’s my favorite artist)

  1. Do we have or are we open to real women or real friends in our lives that will pull our coat tails and tell us about ourselves? Ones that will challenge us to take a good look at ourselves. Real friends that will call us out on our mess and help us to call “a thing a thing?” (This is imperative)
  2. “What has been your process of finding your true self?”…… THERAPY (My favorite)
  3. While some relationships that have dissolved are meant to be that way, are there any relationships in our lives that need to be mended?

You know those relationships that we have lost that we think have not affected us, but they actually do. Those relationships that we have “no clue” of how it got bad, but no one is willing to reach out and talk because (insert you own reason or justification here). Who might we need to call or reach out to? (Yes, that’s a hard one, which is why I left if for last )

I’m sure when you watch this episode there will be more thoughts or reflections that you may have that you have so feel free to share.

#Purposefulliving #intentionalliving #learningtoliveagain #DrOwensSpeaks